Enigma Intel Inc.

Enigma Intel Inc.

November 10, 2021

Stephens Co voters…. TRUTH is on its way!!! Hold on to ya britches… I’m just waiting for the “I TOLD YA SO” moment!!!! I literally SCREAMED LOUDLY this information daily since the June Primary in 2020… STEPHENS CO 2020 elections were NOT conducted per the elections 81 OCGA!!! Stephens county along with 5 other counties failed to maintain the ballot imaging… I personally did multiple FOIA’s to the county & state requesting these logs!

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Remember your commissioners and county Attorney allowed the previous registrar to resign and she was compensated an year’s salary (just under $40K) of your tax dollars in her leaving…

The 2020 elections in Stephens Co. were heavily documented and 38 formal complaints made between February qualifying and the January 5 senate runoff elections!


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