Enigma Intel Inc.

About Us

Election Integrity
Community Projects
Humanitarian Efforts

Non-profit organization

Orlando, FL, United States, Florida


Enigma Intel Inc.

July 22, 2024

This is Moscow. What do you notice? 🇷🇺 🙄


Enigma Intel Inc.

July 21, 2024

Enigma Intel Inc.

July 21, 2024

Flynn and RFK are the winning ticket.


Enigma Intel Inc.

July 19, 2024

Here is the truth that the deep state doesn’t want us to know…

Enigma Intel Inc.

June 30, 2024

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. addressed the strong possibility of replacing President Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee. It’s clear that RFJ Jr. is the best independent presidential candidate at this point. for the presidency.  Robert F. Kennedy Jr is endorsed by General Flynn. This adds a significant layer of credibility to his presidential campaign. General Flynn’s support underscores RFK Jr.’s appeal across diverse political and ideological spectrums.

RFK would make a compelling presidential candidate for several reasons:

  1. Environmental Advocacy: As a staunch environmentalist, RFK Jr. has dedicated much of his career to advocating for environmental protection. His presidency would likely prioritize policies addressing climate change, conservation, and sustainable energy, critical for the future health of the planet.
  2. Public Health Expertise: With his extensive work in public health, particularly in challenging corporate practices that harm health and the environment, RFK Jr. has demonstrated a commitment to improving healthcare standards and accessibility for all citizens.
  3. Legal and Political Experience: His background as an attorney and experience in navigating complex legal and political landscapes equip him with the skills needed to implement effective policies and reforms.
  4. Independent Perspective: As an independent candidate, RFK Jr. is not bound by the traditional party lines, which allows for a more balanced and pragmatic approach to governance, potentially fostering bipartisanship and collaboration in a polarized political climate.
  5. Legacy of Leadership: Coming from a family with a strong history of public service, RFK Jr. brings a legacy of leadership and a deep understanding of the political system, informed by his father and uncle’s impactful presidencies.
  6. Advocacy for Social Justice: RFK Jr. has a track record of advocating for social justice, including civil rights and economic equality. His presidency could advance policies aimed at reducing disparities and promoting fairness across all sectors of society.
  7. Focus on Government Accountability: Known for his efforts to hold corporations and government entities accountable, RFK Jr. would likely emphasize transparency, ethics, and accountability in his administration, striving to rebuild public trust in government institutions.

These qualities collectively make Robert F. Kennedy Jr. the strongest candidate for the presidency, with the potential to bring significant positive changes to the nation.

Enigma Intel Inc.

June 30, 2024

A team of bible experts have determined that Maria Zack, General Flynn, and Lieutenant General McInerney had prophetic visions and accurately assessed that the 2020 election were stolen by Italy.

Enigma Intel Inc.

June 30, 2024

Sworn Testimony by Maria Zach, that US Election was stolen… General Flynn and Lieutenant General McInerney have booth confirmed that this was the case.

Enigma Intel Inc.

June 13, 2024

The DNC label him a radical right wing nut job, the MAGA republicans call him a liberal leftist:) I recommend listening to Bobby tell you who he is and what he stands for. He has my vote in 2024!!!

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